Angular 12 Starter with Material, Transloco, Jest, Compodoc, Docker Support, ESLint & Prettier
GitHub Project: GitHub - wlucha/angular-starter: Angular 12 Starter with ESLint, Material, Transloco, Jest, Docker & Prettier
Angular 12
Angular Material
Jest Unit Testing
Internationalization with Transloco
Auto documentation with Compodoc
Analyse your project with webpack-bundle-analyzer
Commit Linting
Install / Development
# Clone the project
$ git clone
$ cd angular-starter
# Install dependencies
$ npm install
# Start server
$ npm run start
# Open in browser: http://localhost:4200
Docker Deployment
# Build Docker image
$ docker build . -t angular-starter
# Run Docker Container
$ docker run -p 3000:80 angular-starter
npm run start
- start the app -
npm run lint
- lint the project -
npm run test
- run unit tests -
npm run build
- build the project -
npm run build:prod
- build the project in production mode -
npm run build:prod:stats
- build the project in product mode with stats -
npm run analyse
- analyse bundle with webpack-bundle-analyzer -
npm run compodoc
- generate compodoc documentation -
npm run changelog
- generate changelog -
npm run prettier
- format the whole project