Hi all, I’m afraid this is yet another topic about a 25+5 clock that fails despite it seeming to work fine.
Here’s the link to the deployed page. And here’s a link to the github repository.
As you can see it passes every test except for #12, usually it’s in plain enough english for me to be able to decipher, but I’m really scratching my head with this one.
25 + 5 has paused but time continued elapsing: expected '00' to equal '11' AssertionError: 25 + 5 has paused but time continued elapsing: expected '00' to equal '11'
I assume it’s trying to reset the timer? It says so in the title of the test, but the timer does reset itself when I push the button. I hope my code isn’t too horribly unreadable, and I hope there’s help to be had without significant restructuring lol.
I really appreciate any help that can be given.