Any suggestions for reading / further study learning pandas and plotting?


I’m working on the Medical Data Visualizer project. I think because I don’t have any experience using pandas, numpy, matplotlib, and friends, it’s a lot to wrap my mind around.

I also don’t have much experience I’d say in the data realm either. I don’t have any education in statistics or similar topics.

I did work through the data analysis videos for the course. I’m wondering if anyone has some links to other things I can read about or perhaps even watch videos.

Thank you!

Kaggle have a bunch of free courses you could take a look at.
I haven’t tried any of these but, at first glance, they look to be text-based (no videos).

The FreeCodeCamp YouTube channel might also be worth a look.
They’ve got some Data Science videos on there.

And Udacity have some free (video-based) courses you might like.
(They don’t make their free courses easy to find, but they’re still there!)

For example:

Intro to Data Analysis - Data Analysis Using NumPy and Pandas

They also have a couple of free statistics courses:

Intro to Statistics - Making decisions based on data

Intro to Inferential Statistics - Making predictions from data

To see all their free courses, go to the Udacity home page, scroll down to the footer, select Catalog in the Resources section, then filter on Price (free) and Topic or Field of your choice.

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Also, something I forgot to mention earlier .

It’s the full text of the Python Data Science Handbook ( hosted on GitHub by the book’s author, so completely legit).

The chapter on Matplotlib was a real life-saver for me back in the day when I first started learning data analysis using Python.

Hopefully, you’ll find it useful too.

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Looking at the index this looks great. I’ve read some other O’Reilly published books. Thank you!

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