Hi I don’t know who to ask does this website have a a pdf of all the topics taught here ?
Hi @senzo !
Welcome to the forum!
To my knowledge, they don’t.
But I will move your topic to the contributors section and maybe someone can assist you there.
The curriculum will be replaced by an all project based curriculum in the future. So that will mean the challenges will no longer exist.
But it will be a while before the new curriculum is rolled out.
There is no pdf version of the curriculum. If you would like, you could export articles on freeCodeCamp news as PDFs.
Here are some pdfs of all the lessons, as well as the raw tex files used to make the pdfs, and the python script I wrote to scrape the lesson info. GitHub - YellowSub17/freeCodeCampNotes
do you update them? there are often changes to the challenges
I haven’t updated these since I first uploaded them, but I can now
Actually, I wont do that. It would require me to re-download the curriculum and sort it again. But, feel free to fork the repo, replace the curriculum folder with a more up to date version, and run main.py to rebuild the pdfs.
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