Assistance Required for FreeCodeCamp Local Setup: API Collection, Server, Directory, and Logs

Hi Team,

I’ve successfully set up FreeCodeCamp on my local environment, and I need assistance in collecting some APIs, specifically those used for creating challenges and other functionalities. Could you guide me on:

  • How to identify the APIs being used?
  • Which server I should run it on?
  • The specific directory where the project should be set up?
  • How to check the logs for debugging purposes?

Your help would be greatly appreciated!

Hey @bhupendra,

Could you please let us know what you mean by “collecting some APIs”? There a multiple ways to run our API, the most common way is to run pnpm run develop .

When starting the development server, you will be able to visit the website on localhost. If you open Chrome DevTools and go to the Network tab, you will be able to see incoming and outgoing request from the API.

If you want to take a look specifically at the endpoints that are present, please go to the api-server folder. Here you will find any endpoints you are looking for.

@bhupendra, you can also read the docs further to see how to work on coding challenges and practice projects.

@zaira_h , @sem

I need to remove some courses so that they are no longer displayed on localhost:8000. Could you please guide me on how to go about this? Specifically, I need help with:

  • The steps or files I should modify to hide/remove these courses.
  • Whether any specific API needs to be updated or if it’s handled directly in the frontend/backend.