Beta Curriculum

Hi I started a little while back on the responsive web design with the plan to pretty much do everything has to offer. A few false starts later and I’m starting again. I noticed the Certified Full Stack Developer Curriculum under Try our beta curriculum and wondered which I should do and in what order. Do I just start from the top of the main page and work my way down. I’m just not sure if the Beta curriculum is older or newer then everything above it? Doesn’t seem complete anyways so do I just ignore it?

the Certified Full Stack Developer Curriculum is newer and is meant to replace various of the current 12 certifications available, it covers similar topics but is updated and has more practice

Okay thanks for the information. So if I start with that. I noticed it is not complete and right now is only up to front end libraries. If I finish it before anything else comes out would it hurt to go back and do the original curriculum? Or would I potentially just confuse myself or learn things incorrectly? I’m not sure how often new things come out. I’m fairly new here.

You can certainly go back to the original curriculum whenever you want. We even have still available an even older version if you scroll down (Legacy section). For an even different version, the Odin Project Remix also teaches web dev.

We recommend the Full Stack one, but you are free to go where you want.

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okay perfect thanks!