Build a Boilerplate - Stuck after following pinned post common problems

Tell us what’s happening:
Hi, today i started with Rel Db Curriculum.

I did not notice about CodeRoad not loading the first time it opened up, what i did was read the .md file with the instructions, after completing all the commands and intructions i realized that it was not tracking my progress (sigh) . So i reopened CodeAlly, restarted VM and as nothing worked i deleted the container to start over.

Starting again, now CodeAlly loaded the container, and it is stuck in the part where CodeRoad is executed/loaded but it does not load so i had to execute it manually, closing CodeRoad blank file and using CodeRoad:Start, i did this until i lost my patience (took many tries) with no success. Finally i restarted the VM but this time it never finished loading (awesome) after that i decided to share my frustration hoping someone can give me a hand here.

Your code so far
Gone after i deleted VM as suggested when everithing else failed.

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User Agent is: Mozilla Firefox for Fedora fedora - 1.0 Extended Support Realease 102.9.0esr

Challenge: Learn Bash by Building a Boilerplate - Build a Boilerplate

Link to the challenge:

Thanks for your help/advice/hands/time/patience.

Hi, quick update, after some trial and error i simply installed google chrome on my pc, i was using firefox.

Then i did all the previous process again in a normal google chrome browser window (normal i mean not private window) and CodeRoad loaded this time (pff)