Calculator App Shortcuts Help

So I am using an external library for my calculator, here is the link:

And here is the codepen:

Basically my issue is that I can’t get my operator shortcuts to work. For example, to add a shortcut with this library you do:
shortcut.add("Ctrl+Shift+X",function() { alert("Hi there!"); });

So I want to add a shortcut for shift+(the equals button) for the plus operator.

but when I do :
it doesn’t work.

The documentation says that it supports all special characters but I cannot get it to work… If anyone has any idea of how to do this that would be great!

Maybe my question sounds a bit silly, but are you sure this is a valid key combination? On my German keyboard, Shift+= just does not exist. “=” itself is Shift+0.

On US QWERTY keyboards = is next to backspace with + as its shift value. When you press Shift + = your keyboard drivers / OS handle the built-in shortcut and pass a + to the browser.

You don’t need an external library (other than, say, jQuery to make coding easier) for that type of shortcut. What you need is to listen to keypresses.

$('#yourCalculator').bind('keypress', function(e) {

Ok, thanks! Didn’t know that was built into javascript, that library was just the first thing I saw when I searched keyboard shortcuts on google…

So I have a question now, when looking at this code:
$('#yourCalculator').bind('keypress', function(e) { console.log(e.keyCode) });

What should I set #yourCalculator to in my code? I cant seem to figure that part out.

It is a valid key combination on my keyboard.

Here is what my keyboard looks like:

As you can see, the plus and equals are on one key right next to the delete button.

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To use jQuery you’ll need to review how it binds events to elements on the page. In the case of your code you’d probably bind it to either $(body) or $(’.calculator’) if you’re alright with the user needing to select the calculator before input is grabbed.

You could also look to this extension for inspiration

Wow thanks! Got all the operator keys working!