Cannot get FCC working on Docker

I have followed instruction here: but after MANY issues that I managed to fix I still cannot get it to work. The server starts fine bu I get an error on the client as follows:

client_1        |
client_1        | info bootstrap finished - 19.276 s
client_1        |
client_1        | error (node:99) DeprecationWarning: Tapable.plugin is deprecated. Use new API on `.hooks` instead
client_1        | error There was an error compiling the html.js component for the development server.
client_1        |
client_1        | See our docs page on debugging HTML builds for help
client_1        |
client_1        |
client_1        |   WebpackError: TypeError: Cannot read property 'hasOwnProperty' of undefined
client_1        |
client_1        |
client_1        |   - option-assertions.js:257 Object.<anonymous>
client_1        |     [lib]/[@babel]/core/lib/config/validation/option-assertions.js:257:1
client_1        |
client_1        |
client_1        |   - gatsby-browser.js:46 Object.Module._extensions..js
client_1        |     lib/gatsby-browser.js:46:7
client_1        |
client_1        |   - gatsby-browser-entry.js:34 Module.load
client_1        |     lib/.cache/gatsby-browser-entry.js:34:12
client_1        |
client_1        |   - develop-static-entry.js:100 tryModuleLoad
client_1        |     lib/.cache/develop-static-entry.js:100:3
client_1        |
client_1        |   - develop-static-entry.js:104 Function.Module._load
client_1        |     lib/.cache/develop-static-entry.js:104:7
client_1        |
client_1        |   - public-page-renderer.js:1 Module.require
client_1        |     lib/.cache/public-page-renderer.js:1:1
client_1        |
client_1        |   - bootstrap:14 require
client_1        |     lib/webpack/bootstrap:14:1
client_1        |
client_1        |   - universalModuleDefinition:6 Object.<anonymous>
client_1        |     lib/webpack/universalModuleDefinition:6:1
client_1        |
client_1        |
client_1        |   - gatsby-browser.js:46 Object.Module._extensions..js
client_1        |     lib/gatsby-browser.js:46:7
client_1        |
client_1        |   - gatsby-browser-entry.js:34 Module.load
client_1        |     lib/.cache/gatsby-browser-entry.js:34:12
client_1        |
client_1        |   - develop-static-entry.js:100 tryModuleLoad
client_1        |     lib/.cache/develop-static-entry.js:100:3
client_1        |
client_1        |   - develop-static-entry.js:104 Function.Module._load
client_1        |     lib/.cache/develop-static-entry.js:104:7
client_1        |
client_1        |   - public-page-renderer.js:1 Module.require
client_1        |     lib/.cache/public-page-renderer.js:1:1
client_1        |
client_1        |
client_1        | npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE
client_1        | npm ERR! errno 1
client_1        | npm ERR! @freecodecamp/client@1.0.0 develop: `node --inspect= node_modules/gatsby-cli develop "-H" ""`
client_1        | npm ERR! Exit status 1
client_1        | npm ERR!
client_1        | npm ERR! Failed at the @freecodecamp/client@1.0.0 develop script.
client_1        | npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.
client_1        |
client_1        | npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
client_1        | npm ERR!     /home/node/.npm/_logs/2019-06-06T14_19_44_476Z-debug.log
freecodecamp_client_1 exited with code 1

I cannot seem to get to the bottom of it.

Any ideas?

I’m not going to be that useful but just wanted to let you know that I just setup the docker build today and I didn’t have any issues but my computer already had a lot of the tools installed. Either google the specific issue you are having or go back to each step and make sure they work. I got a few of my commands stuck, I just had to terminate them and try them again.

It looks like the installation did not go through correctly. Looking at the logs, I think you should attempt installing the dependencies again. This can happen, due to network issues and/or sometimes on low-end hardware.

This does not look like a bug to me in the codebase itself, but we might have missed some edge case.

If you are on windows by any chance check this issue:

Unfortunately I tried installing the dependencies again, starting from fresh and doing the whole process again, and even following the thread you posted, but I get the same issues. I have given up on using Docker on Windows for it now.

I have moved to trying to do a local install in Linux instead. After all that is where I really would run it.

I am having a similar challenge trying to run freeCodeCamp on my Linux (Ubuntu) via docker. Curiously, it worked the first time I followed the steps, but subsequently, I kept getting the errors in the screenshots below:

I will really appreciate some help, please.