Hi, its a little bit silly but I have been doing courses on my macbook with czech keyboard and Ive been typing the []
brackets with 2 keys “option” + the []
keys and it seems to stop working over the weekend. Did something change? On all other websites and on all other apps on my mac I can type the []
with the option key just fine, even here on the forum its without problems, but when I try to use these two keys on my czech keyboard inside the exercises, it doesnt work and it doesnt type the brackets. Its super annoying :((( I dont want to user american keyboard just to be able to do the courses I want to keep using the czech one and use two keys to type the []
. Any ideas?
what challenges are giving issues? can you verify if it happens anywhere or just in a few challenges?
We use an open-source editor from Microsoft called monaco. Here is a playground: https://microsoft.github.io/monaco-editor/playground.html
Can you do a quick confirmation, if the issue is also reproducible on the site above?
If yes, then that should narrow things down for us to investigate.
I just tested it in monaco editors playground and same issue there also. Looks like we found a bug.
Thanks for the quick detective work. Do you mind reporting to them if there isn’t an open issue not already? As for us, we are limited by a fix upstream.
@barbora.martinkova this may be a limitation that is beyond our control, at least for now. We would recommend using an alternative keyboard if you can.
There is an open issue but it was opened a long time back.
Some keybindings don’t work with non US-Layouts · Issue #1233 · microsoft/monaco-editor (github.com)
Also the issue isn’t present in VSCode.
Oh wow, that’s opened by the GitPod team (Sven is the founder). We should probably add a fresh issue first add a friendly reminder just in case this is forgotten by the team.
Wow, I dint know that. I’ll open up an issue for this.
Thanks so much everyone for such quick reactions! its so weird because I would swear it worked just last week
Thanks everyone I hope they resolve it soon
I’ve opened an issue to monaco-editor(Not able to type certain characters in non-US keyboards · Issue #2533 · microsoft/monaco-editor · GitHub). I opened a new issue as the the link I had sent above had been about the keybinds for commands in the editor. In our case it’s about typing characters itself.
Heads up, this has been fixed and you should be able to use the square brackets in our platform.
awesome, yes it works
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