Hi guys,
I am a beginner learning coding just started off with Freecodecamp’s curriculum around 2 months back. When would be an appropriate time to start looking for an internship/job ? I mean when do you think is a person ready ? I am now in the Javascript Algorithms certification course . Also how relevant is learning Wordpress for getting a job ? The reason I am asking this is because I have found so many jobs/internships which either look for Wordpress skills or flutter/react native , there’s nothing else in the middle so I’m a little confused as to when I will actually be able to use my new learnt skills to start earning. Also do you guys think it would be better to take up a project like building a ecommerce website using react/flutter etc and then going and diving into each individual components to learn instead of following the course curriculum sequentially? I used to work as an HR but lost my job so was thinking should I just look for another HR job or start looking for some kind of internship which would need entry level skills and then build up into career as a software developer from there Looking forward to any suggestions/help from anyone.