I've been studying to code in some capacity since May, first with C++ on Sololearn, when I finished that tutorial(from which I learned little) I moved on to their HTML and CSS tutorials, and built some stuff with that. Since the start of this month, maybe late August as well I've been using the Free Code Camp Curriculum, and found it really helpful. Yesterday I achieved the Responsive Web Design certificate, and now working on the JS certificate. I already had learned much of the first certificate, so it was really a good review. The JS work is a bit harder, but I find that dabbling in C++ and hacking around with JS has made syntax a bit less foreign.
As my profile says, I'm looking for a job within the next 6 months. Honestly I haven't studied a ton so far, but I am a young farmer, so when winter hits I'll have more time. I hear that you should start looking for a job before your ready, so I'm wondering when that would be. Also I'd be interest what you think about free-lancing, is that something I could get into soon as a way to build experience/ get into building websites for small businesses? In a job I'd be looking for anything 16 USD and up. It would also have to be remote, with working hours between 8 am. and 5 pm. GMT--I live in Canada, but I want to be able to work early mornings. I'd also be open to internships at these hours if they could earn me a job within a reasonable amount of time.
Right now I have my work in Codepen(I realize that's a no-no and I'll get a Git repo going sometime). Here are some of my best projects(and I know they are pretty pitiful.)Free Code Camp Community Collection.
Any suggestions for learning to code groups I could get involved with would be appreciated as well.