to copy and paste from the terminal or from the coderoad instructions, just highlight the text with your mouse, then CTRL+C (if you are on a windows operating system, mac has a different command), then open a Notepad and click CTRL+V to paste the instructions or whatever to it.
This way you can save the contents to a local file.
For eg. here’s the content of my directory which I copied using the instructions mentioned here.
codeally@bb56c19d3049:~/project$ ls
codeally@bb56c19d3049:~/project$ cd lea*
codeally@bb56c19d3049:~/project/learn-celestial-bodies-database$ ls codeAlly.json coderoad.yaml tutorial.json
codeally@bb56c19d3049:~/project/learn-celestial-bodies-database$ cd ..
Your SQL file if it has been created in the ~/project dir should be showing up in the Explorer menu bar on the left.
Once you have copied it, you can upload it to your github repository.
Instructions on creating a github repo and troubleshooting steps are here