I’m having a hard time getting my <h1 to appear at all. Or stay centered. I have tired to change the margin, padding and auto center it. I have tried setting my CSS to bootstrap 4 and bootstrap 3 at the same time and apart. I have tired the example code on
Sigh. I know that I can use col.mid or place my <h1 within a <div and change the id also. Nothing has worked. So if you guys can offer any suggestions or links I would really appreciate it. Sorry if this seems silly, I’m really new to HTMP, CSS, Bootsrap etc.
Yea i could use a link to your CodePen too.
Just right click the web Address and paste it in your post.
FCC will make it pretty and easy for us to see.
Yes guys. Sorry I should have done that. I was so frustrated. LOL
Now I see my h2 but it’s in the wrong place.
I will not make changes until I hear back from you guys.