Coderoad shows a never ending reloading on gitpod and my progress never comes

Hi there, I am facing a problem on the mario database building course on relational database certification.

I have completed 70% of the course and closed workspace using saving current progress on gitpod.

but later when I entered I faced coadroad started from the first. but terminal shows that it saved my progress, because all tables and database I creaded can be accessed.

but coderoad start from beginning and something shows loading on the bottom left corner of the coderoad viewport.

This screenshot is of when I just start coderoad in my gitpod workspace:

And the following screenshot shows that something is loading with no ending or not heading me to the saved step:

But terminal shows that my progress is saved:
Screenshot from 2024-05-21 14-07-28

also workspace shows that changes are made.

N.B. I never start workspace newly from freecodecamp. I just run my saved workspace on gitpod.

@ILM can you see this problem?

No, I can’t, it happens on your side, so you can see it.

This is an issue that seems to happen often, so you are not alone. I suggest looking at the various topics, there may be workarounds that work for you.