Contribute to this github repo.[First Time Contributors]

I have created a github repository for those who have never contributed to any github open source projects.This repo will help with your first github contribution.So you just have to follow these simple steps for your first open source contribution.
Here we go :

  1. Go to this github :point_right: repo and fork this repo.
  2. Clone your forked repo on your local machine.
  3. Make the necessary changes as given in details in file.
  4. Create a new local branch and push it to your forked repository.
  5. Create a Pull request for your branch.

[Full explained instructions here :point_right: link]

And that’s it .That’s all you need to do .And you just did your first open source contribution.

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This is awesome!!! Thanks for posting this, I’m totally going to contribute.

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glad it was helpful :blush:

Thanks for building this - Great way to ease into the PR process as I haven’t seen much introductory material online!

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Sorry for my late response but i am glad it was helpful :blush:

Thanks so much for creating this! I think it should be part of FCC curriculum, IMHO.

I did have a quick question: is the Staging step missing from instructions?

Also, I’m definitely no Github expert, but does pushing my changes automatically trigger a pull request…? Or does another step need to be taken for that? From this page, it looks like it is a separate step?


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Hi . No it does not automatically trigger a pull request.After you push your changes with your own local branch , you have to create a pull request and after a quick review, i will merge it with the original repo :slight_smile: .Hope it helps.
If it does not help then you can text me directly , i will explain every step in detail if you want.

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