Create and Run Simple C# Console Applications - Trophy - Create and Run Simple C# Console Applications

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Challenge: Create and Run Simple C# Console Applications - Trophy - Create and Run Simple C# Console Applications

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Can you describe the problem you are having @madhurjaat9136?

i think i have the same issue
Обліковий запис Microsoft з іменем користувача «OlexandrZborovskiy-5718» вже прив’язаний до вашого облікового запису freeCodeCamp. Якщо це не ваше ім’я користувача Microsoft, видаліть посилання.
(the button verify trophy gives me message like it seems that user didnt get this trophy yet

Did you get the badge on Microsoft Learn first? This must be done to show up on the transcript.

See: 💡 Verify your trophy from Microsoft- Solution which will walk you through the process