If you are unable to verify your trophy, make sure you are following these steps first:
Complete all challenges:
This challenge will be partially completed on Microsoft’s learn platform, complete all steps in order so you don’t miss any module.
Earn your trophy.
This is important, other wise you won’t be able to create a transcript link. You earn your trophy when Microsoft side lessons are complete.
Answer fCC quiz questions:
When you are finished, come back to freeCodeCamp and correctly answer the questions asked.
Ok I didn’t understood the whole process.
You actually need to complete courses on MS Learn website, unlock achievements, then confirm it again on FreeCodeCamp
Hi, I want to start this course. But it’s a little difficult to follow two websites and all the guidelines. I noticed this exact course has been uploaded to the FCC’s official youtube channel. If I complete the youtube video lessons and add the final projects in my portfolio would that be okay or it’s against the rules?
i’ve completed all but not getting trophy
please do something
i’ve public every needed thing before an year ago, its public still
what is problem here,
please help sir @QuincyLarson
What I did was to review that I finished all the challenges one by one (I came across that In’t have had finished a few of them) … Then you go to the link provided in the codecamporg platform and ensure to follow the structions step by step correctly … In my case, I wasn’t finished all the challenges and I didn’t push the gear icon to get the shared link.
I have same problem. I have first 3 parts’ trophies already verified without any problem but with part 4 ( Work with Variable Data in C# Console Applications) I can not verify trophy, it gives this error: "Something went wrong trying to verify your trophy. Please check and try again. "
As first 3 trophies, I did everything what it needs. What can I do now ?
Same here. On microsoft it shows that I have all 4 trophies but I get the same errol message stated above when I try to verify it. I even went ahead and unlinked my account and linked it again and still go the same error.