Hello everyone, I am having an issue with mapping my divs on the bootstrap grid.
No matter what I do I can’t get the grid to be horizontal on my page. It always leaves that massive blank space on the right.
If they were all separate divs this would be easy, but I am having them mapped from an array like so:
return (
<div className="col-sm-12 " key={serviceitems.title}>
<h5 className="" >{serviceitems.title}</h5>
<img src={serviceitems.image} alt={serviceitems.title} className="img-fluid serviceitemimg"></img>
<div className="">
<p id={serviceitems.description} className=" " >{serviceitems.description}</p>
<p className="">${serviceitems.price}</p>
<p id ={serviceitems.amount} className=" ">Duration:{serviceitems.amount} week(s)</p>
<button name={serviceitems.title} id= {serviceitems.image} value={serviceitems.price} className="button servicebutton" >Add to cart</button>
<Collapsible trigger={<p className="">Read more</p>}>{serviceitems.fulldescription} </Collapsible>
} else return <h1>Loading...</h1>;
return (
<h1 className="servicestitle">Some services I offer</h1>
So far I have tried every css rule I can think of, how would you get them to be horizontal?
Thank you in advance for your help.
Full code: