Greetings. I have completed some projects in the JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures (Beta) curriculum, that is the Role playing game, Pyramid Generator, Calorie Counter and a Music Player. After that I was frustrated and stressed and I couldn’t even attempt other projects as well. I even decided to take a break for almost 2 months without coding, as my wellbeing was shuttered. How much JavaScript do I need to know to actually code it on my own? Right now, I’m not confident because I just saw new things in all those projects…I can’t even tell what a DOM is. Is this normal, as I feel maybe I’m not smart or intelligent to understand what’s going on
Hi @camaguncoso
Learning anything new takes practice and patience. Do take regular breaks to allow time for new learning to sink in. I think everyone feels frustrated at certain times.
Ask yourself why you want to learn coding. Think in terms of a / the big picture. If you set yourself challenging goals, with a purpose that is meaningful to you, you are more likely to continue when you encounter a roadblock or setback.
The current JavaScript curriculum is project based. One of the issues Campers report is not knowing the reasoning behind using certain syntax. The Legacy JS curriculum is also available on the freeCodeCamp website. You may want to try out the older curriculum. The focus is mainly on the JS. Each section covers certain topics, like debugging, regular expressions, basic data structures, and object oriented programming.
It is okay to use your favourite search engine to lookup anything when you need more information.
Happy coding
I started with the Legendary JavaScript curriculum last year September and it was confusing. I completed the basics part and it was all syntax. I then wanted to see how JavaScript is applied in a project, I took a break when December came in. January 2024 when I got back, freeCodeCamp had a project based learning JavaScript curriculum. I was excited. Fast forward today I’m frustrated by JavaScript
A lot of people experience frustrations and self-doubt when diving into js, so this is pretty normal (happened to me, too). Having the idea of learning every possible part of js will get you even more frustrated.
You’ll capture some concepts as soon as you learn them, while some will take some time and practise to understand and eventually apply them in real-world projects.
What I’d advise is that you continue learning, progressive learning, and work your way step by step, taking the simplest tasks, and with time, those tasks will compound to something complex. Their are no shortcuts to this. You read, practise, and ask.
You’ll constantly forget stuff, but luckily, we have the internet with millions of resources to remind you what you’ve forgotten.
Trust me, this always gets better with time and practise.
I tried video tutorials and I realised that there’s still a lot to learn. I will try my best to look for simple projects to learn JavaScript from…because the ones here in FreeCodeCamp are difficult to swallow for a beginner who’s new to JavaScript like me
Hi my friend
You must focus in one protect, trying to create on your own, to be patient and determined, until it’s finished.
This channel explains very detailed about the logic of the project , first, after that, coding is easier
watch one project, afterwards , trying to begin on your own.
All depends on you .
As Japanese proverb said :
“Fall down seven times, stand up eight.”
Happy coding
What a life saver! I just went through those videos but didn’t watch them fully and I saw that he explains why he uses all those “JavaScript syntax” like functions, objects arrays etc…That’s what I want. I will follow your advice to the T and try build projects on my own using html, css and JavaScript…starting with those small projects listed on the link you shared with me
I will finally build my confidence as I get an understanding JavaScript. Thank you very much for that.