Hello everyone. Nice to meet you.
For the moment I have no problems with my code and it actually works locally. My problem is on Replit. I’ve tried two or three solutions found in the forum but nothing works for me. (editing the .toml file, editing Nix… nothing)
When I click ‘Run’ , the ‘updating’ stops as shown in the image and does not go any further. I had a similar problem with the previous project too but I fixed it by editing the .toml file.
Which I tried to modify for this as well:
authors = [“Your Name you@example.com”]
name = “root”
version = “0.0.0”
description = “”
You’ll actually have to post a link to your repl to debug. It may be that you have a corrupted repl, which in that case you should re-clone the boilerplate , copy/paste your code, and then update the dependencies as described in the forums.
I forked your repl and used the same steps I’ve posted before to update pyproject.toml and reinstall the dependencies and it worked. I did resort to emptying pyproject.toml of dependencies, deleting poetry.lock, and running poetry install and poetry add seaborn from the shell, although I don’t necessarily recommend that since the packager tool should do that (it wasn’t…).
It didn’t work well, because it seems like replit is not working well right this moment since commands were just running spinners without output or change so you can’t tell if the command is working or not. I would either be extremely patient or try later when replit seems to be responding faster.