Tell us what’s happening:
I am encountering an issue with the Replit code.
It is similar to the issue described here:
When I run the code, this happens:
→ python3 -m poetry add matplotlib numpy
Using version ^3.6.0 for matplotlib
Using version ^1.23.3 for numpy
Updating dependencies
Resolving dependencies…
After processing for 10 - 40 minutes it throws an error.
I have tried updating all of the modules. I have also changed the value in pyproject.toml, however these things did not seem to work. Please help!
Your code so far
To see the error, just run the code
Challenge Information:
Data Analysis with Python Projects - Page View Time Series Visualizer
In the Files menu to the side, show hidden files and then delete poetry.lock
, pyproject.toml
and replit.nix
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