Hi all
I am now starting the projects and it is still unclear to me what each one of those things is and does.
At the moment my poor understanding is:
- ‘replit’ is the name of a website that stores ‘repl’ folders
- a ‘repl’ is a folder with files inside that, when run together, form a website/web app
- ‘node.js’ is a subcategory of the javascript language (like React), so it is another library, and it is the language I am writing things in within the files in the ‘repl’
- ‘npm’, no clue
I realise these definitions are wrong, but they are definitions I understand.
When I read things like:
- ‘npm’ is a “package manager for the JavaScript programming language” that doesn’t mean anything to me as I do not know what a package or a package manager is.
- ‘Node.js’ being a “runtime” that doesn’t help either as I don’t know what that is or how it is connected to ‘npm’, ‘repl’ or anything
Could someone please explain as simply as possible what each thing is and how it is connected to the others?
Analogies (like the one I once read about an API being like a waiter that takes my order from my computer to a server and returns food/data) are appreciated
Thanks for your time
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