Is there anyway i can make myoutputBox
scroll in repose to the text length? Iv heard of overflow: scroll;
, but couldn’t get it to work, help? -->
It seems like the top text (tiny, full equation text) pushed the answer (big text) out of the box (like you see) over a certain length. eval() only will show numbers from 0 -19 characters before going e+
(this was 19)
How it looks without glitch.
There is a typo in the CSS:
overflow: scoll
at 2 places.
Another error is you have #outputDiv whereas it is defined as a class in the HTML.
Also, try these:
- Use overflow: auto for the #outputBox (or overflow-y: auto).
- Re-define max-height of #outputBox to desired height.
- Remove the div with class of outputDiv from the HTML.
Let me know if this helps or not.
If i do overflow-x: scroll;
it puts a scroll bar on x and y, not just x. the scroll bar is pretty big, anyway can i make it so it is hidden and i can scroll on x without using bar? And remove the y bar?