Does FCC Teach Java?

Just curious - I’ve taken a major interest in the Java language, and have been making a text game for the fun of it, but I was just curious if FCC taught this. I enjoy it a lot and would love to further my knowledge in it.

If not, could you lead me to somewhere that does? I’ve already done codecademy.


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No. FCC teaches JavaScript (including jQuery and React on the front end and Express/Node on the back end). It also teaches HTML, CSS, and a couple of useful libraries.

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So its website based programming.

Web based, yes, but more focused on web apps than websites per se.

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If you’re already making a game with Java and want to continue, just continue driving forward!

My main book recommendation is Effective Java. It’s not a “teaching” book, but discusses best practices across the whole spectrum of writing Java. Fantastic resource once you’re relatively comfortable with the basics.

For more tutorial/learning style resources, there are some good series on Udacity.

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I really appreciate it!

If you are looking for a friendly community for Java beginners is a good fit for that.

They have a set of tutorials that ramps up beginners to become competent

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You can checkout Udacity. I’ve done a few of their programs and it’s free if you don’t care about the Nanodegree.

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