FCC - Tribute Page. Any feedback will be apprecited

Hi there,

Here my refurbished two years old tribute page. Changed it to be compliant with the unit tests.
To not change a lot of my code just added some css hacks for an work around.

Please see my pen here.

Thanks in advance.

you did a great job. some small lead to great effect.
text is not clearly visible because of some white shades in background.
I think image is not responsive on different screen sizes. try to fix it.
thank you.

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Thank you for your feedback.

The parallax images where not intended to be responsive to maintain the effect. By the time when i coded this , the user stories where different so, in order to make the page pass the tests i had to add some html/css hacks like:

in html i added:

<img src="" alt="hidden-image" id="image">
<p id="img-caption">bla bla bla</p>

and in css:

#image {
	display: block;
	margin: 0 auto;
	max-width: 100%;
	opacity: 0;
#img-caption {
	display: none;

As for the text visibility, i have no inspiration for the moment on how to make it better visible on the background images.