Hi all, would any of you mind taking a look at my Local Weather Project? Any feedback is greatly appreciated!
Hope you know it does not work on the Chrome so you might consider using ip location instead of geolocation for the users who use Chrome.
Also for some reason does not work on Safari for me.
On the firefox works looks nice, only problem I see is that when I change it from Celsius to Fahrenheit, the main temp. changes, but not on the max. min. down in the box, so it still shows celsius while the current temperature is in Fahrenheit, and that is a bit confusing.
Also design wise I would move everything a bit down so it does not stick to the top of the browser window.
Thanks for taking the time! I totally forgot to check it on any browser other than Firefox. It should now work fine in Chrome as well. I noticed that Chrome requires a secure connection in order to use the location. The min and max temperature will change and I added some spacing add the top.