Feedback on my first Website that sends out weekly coding challenges

Hi campers!

So I’ve created a website or a landing page that sends out weekly coding challenges, sort of like what website to build. This started out as a challenge to myself as I’ve been learning web development for the past 10 days and wanted to put together what I’ve been learning on on a project. The site was created with (HTML, CSS, Bootstrap with added functionality of mailchimp = to get emails and drift = for live chat support and just for the fun of it!). I’ve created this site as my goal on learning is to someday create my own web/mobile application!

Here is the link for it

It’s hosted for free as this is just a personal project but wanted to know if others are interested on it and I’d also love to hear your feedback. Thanks!

Just saw your webpage
looks Excellent
The overall theme is good
Did you designed that coding.svg yourself?
Color combination is also Good

Thanks bud!
No, I only got it from They have awesome illustration collections and you can choose its color to accentuate your color scheme.