Feedback on my Responsive Web Design projects!

Hello there fellow campers!

I’ve reached a point in which I’m satisfied, at least for now, with my projects from the Responsive Web Design module. Would you say they are “okayish” enough to let me get the certification?

Tribute Page…:
Survey Form…:
Product Landing Page:
Technical Doc…:
Personal Portfolio…:

I really want to improve every single one of them, but my time is very limited at the moment…

Hey Daniell. I absolutely love the quality of your projects. All of them look great. I especially like the fonts you used for your form project. Great work.

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Glad to know! Those fonts are great, it was love at first sight! Fjalla and Exo!

I know that all those projects can be improved, and I will improve them when I have time to spare!

I don’t know if it is an issue yet, but my favorite color is green, so… you will see a lot of green there. I do my best no to use “green” everywhere, but is hard! I really like it :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Hi , I like your portfolio site, nice color scheme and content presentation and good effort for a newbie, good luck !

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Thank you Azambadar! I appreciate your words.

The projects pics doesn’t look good… I printed each project in a hurry! Not all images where created with the same sizes, so the stretching looks a little weird.

Liked your tribute page :slight_smile:

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