Feedback welcome Tribute Page user crazysession

Hey Andy, how is going?

It looks very nice, I liked the style.

  • You could put the contents, such as the career section, into a container (Look, I’m not talking about a bootstrap’s container, I’ll not talk about bootstrap). With containers, you can organize better your code. You can put containers inside containers to set an text to one and a photo to other! Containers are very nice! You can read more about them on
    If you want to know better what I’m talking about I’ve made an entire post explaining how to organize the code with containers :slight_smile:
  • A list is not the best way to organize sections, HTML5 has a tag for it: . I know that a list makes the vertical organization, but it is a css an html job and you have to go through it. Semantics is very important to organize the code, you can learn more about it here: HTML5
  • With the container, you can also limit the width of an image! (They are going out of the ‘body’), you can set % to the width or even max-width and min-width. (All those things will help you to do a more responsive page :slight_smile: )

Keep on this way, keep coding.

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