Final touches on Portfolio project

Hi all,

I have made tremendous progress in recreating the example portfolio page. See example below.

See my project below.

That said, I still have a few dragons to slay.

  1. I can’t get the FA icons located underneath “Around the Web” to align properly. More specifically, there is additional spacing between the Linkedin and Github icons. I’ve tried margin-right and several other things.

  2. I used margin to bring all the icons in that section closer together but, for whatever reason, when I hover in the margin between icons, the mouse goes into a “a:hover” state.

3.In the section under “About This Page”, I can’t get the FA icons to appear at all. I used the exact same process to insert the icons not they will not appear.

4.Lastly, scrollspy activates about a 1/3 down each section, instead of spanning the entire section from top to bottom. For instance, If I scroll all the way to the top, None of the tabs will be highlighted even though the “about” section should be highlighted. This happens in each section.

Any ideas on how I can resolve these last issues? I’m ready to wrap this project up so, any help is greatly appreciated. Not sure what my eyes are missing.

Hey @bbrawley,
your portfolio project is looking good.
Regarding your questions, I don’t understand what you mean by aligning the social media icons as they seem to sit nicely under the header. The reason you cannot add/decrease the spacing between them is because everything there is nested inside divs with classes of col-1. By doing that, you’ve set their container to be a certain width and size. If you want to change their display, you have to change the style of the divs.
I see two FA icons under the “About This Page” section, so again, please clarify what it is supposed to look like.