Finally Finished Responsive Web Design

Yesterday, I finally finished the FCC responsive web design course; this is a personal milestone in my quest to learn web development and computer programming in general. This has been a long journey which dates back several years ago when I contemplated on using technology to create something that can help others.

The work I have made with the 5 FCC projects are not great but good enough to start with - from here I can only get better. Thank you FCC!


Hi @01albert !

Congrats on finishing the first certification! :grinning:

It’s all about taking it one small step at a time and celebrating the small victories as they come.

Have fun with javascript!


Waouh ! I envy you. I’m on the second project and have not found for now how to finish it quickly.
Congrats !

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Just keep going! one project at a time, one user story solved get you closer to the green

Enjoy the process. The time we invested on learning these things are worth it.

That’s really true. Thanks you.
So ready for the Javascript lessons ?

I’m still in the beginning but to see how supportive everyone is around here I think the journey will be challenging but also interesting and fun… I’m looking forward to getting my first certificate myself. Congrats on yours!!!

Learn, have fun and keep your eyes on the goal

congratulations! : )

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