Freecodecamp PHP Project Group!

Hey Freecodecamp!

If you want to practice or learn PHP as a supplement to the amazing material available through Freecodecamp and as part of your web development journey, there is a newly formed, growing project group waiting for you! The main aim is to be a friendly, fun, multi-cultural group in which we learn to break past the limits of our imaginations :slight_smile:
If you are interested, just comment below or pm me and I will happily send you details and an invite :slight_smile:

What’s this about? Do you have more details?

Hey @shimphillip!

If you want to practice or learn PHP as a supplement to the amazing material available through Freecodecamp and as part of your web development journey, this is what our newly formed, growing project group is about! The main aim is to be a friendly, fun, multi-cultural group in which we learn to break past the limits of our imaginations :slight_smile:
If you are interested, I will happily send you details and an invite :slight_smile:

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Sounds interesting, please PM me details and an invite :slight_smile:

Sorry for the late reply.

I’m inviting you to my project group, not the common discord channel.

Here is an invite:

We wait for you there!

Hello @JayDevelopment, I entered the Discord group. How will it be?

I would love an invite thanks.

Ok. I followed the link above and have already joined. Thanks again.

Maybe some of you good peoplke could help me with this problem?

I’m interested in the PHP group.

can i also be a member of the php group?