In this challenge, I seemed to have lost my way.
I have followed the directions as I understood them, but failed to produce the correct results. At one point, it said, and I could verify within the contributors folder that my name was added, however the fail results said otherwise. There was even a check mark next to it.
At certain points, it said a repository did not exist, when it did.
So, I have succeeded in finding many ways it does not work.
How far back do I need to retrace my error in challenges I have completed in this mission to locate and fix this issue. Or can it be done in the current level? Should I delete the folders and start fresh? (which I have done once already), or should I correct from my current state, which seems to be logical. (To me anyway) Note: I was able to complete the next two challenges. Here is where I have narrowed my errors down to.
Thank you.
You guys and this community are awesome!! This whole platform is awesome.
“Branch name expected: add-snakebyte2” != “Found branch as expected!”
“Changes not pushed” != “Changes have been pushed!”
“File NOT in contribs… folder!” != “File in contributors folder!”
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