Gitpod allocation finished any alternative that works?

Hello, I am currently down to the last two projects for the Relational Database course, but my Gitpod monthly allocation has run out. I’ve tried using GitHub Codespaces and Replit, but neither seems to work for this course. I cannot run the coderun file, and I’m unsure how to proceed.

Is there any way to work around this? I really want to complete the course this month and don’t want to lose my motivation.

Thank you in advance for any help!

Hi @oluwatobiiyanuoluwa2

You could setup another account to create the scripts and other files.
Save the files in text files on you computer.

By the time the project is ready, some of the credits will reset. Then in the original account, recreate the project from the text files.

You’ll still need five commits, which could be committing and merging the files in separate parts.

Happy coding

Thank you! i would do that :smiley: @Teller

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