Help in my first ever project

how do i submit my project? where do i code it?

Responsive Web Design Projects - Build a Tribute Page Responsive Web Design Projects - Build a Tribute .

  1. please do i need to get a host or where do i up[load my projects to get a link.
  2. can someone share their links for me to see their idea and study better before submitting my project
  3. after the project, when did you get your certificate. please reply me soonest
  • List item

You could do it on codepen, like they suggested. Or you could use another sandbox of your choice ( , codesandbox) and put a script tag with this src: Then put the link of your project on the solution textbox. For examples just go on other topics on the project feedback section, or look at the examples they gave you. To claim your certificate, go to settings, accept the academic honesty, and claim once you have all 5 projects finished. Hope this helps. :+1:

I merged your threads.

  1. Make a Codepen account, open the starter boilerplate, click the “Fork” button at the bottom right. Code away.

  2. You can look at the example project.

  3. After you have passed all 5 Responsive Web Design Projects you can go to your profile page and claim your certificate.

Thanks alot. Very useful