Help me review my survey form project

Hello friends.
Happy weeked & coding.
Kindly help review my survey form project . Your feedback is highly appreciated.

Thank you. Cheers

Welcome back @profsaini. Your form looks good. Some things to revisit;

  • Run your HTML code through the W3C validator.
    • There are HTML syntax/coding errors you should be aware of and address.
    • Since copy/paste from codepen you can ignore the first warning and first two errors.
  • Do not use the <br> element to force line breaks or spacing. That’s what CSS is for.
  • User’s should be able to click on the label to toggle a selection, not just the radio button / checkbox
  • Placeholder text should not mirror the label. It should be used to inform the user of the format of the required input.
  • Change the cursor to a pointer when hovering over the submit button


  • Do not try and replicate the sample projects. They show one way the project can be completed. The instructions say yours should be “functionally similar” and to “give it your own style”.
  • When asking for feedback it’s best to place your project in the #project-feedback subform.
    I’ve taken the liberty of moving this for you.

Thank you very much. I appreciate your feedback and correct.

I like it. It’s very clean, easy to read, just as a form should be.
I think just 1 or 2 tiny things could improve it visually. I think a hover effect on the submit button to make it obvious when hovering over it.
The other thing is that the main title moves outside it’s container at around 450px width. I would add in a media query and reduce the title font size to about 1.9rem below 450px which keeps the title in it’s box down to 300px width. Freecodecamp is a long word

I’m grateful. Thank you so much.
You guys make me feel like a developer already.
I’m happy to be on this part. Cheers.

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