I got my first technical interview tomorrow and these are the type of questions:
“This technical test will be a Google Form with five mandatory exercises and an optional one. You have 30 minutes to solve the five Exercises, plus additional 15 minutes if you decide to answer the Optional question. The test has three Javascript-related questions, two for web protocols and an optional one about SQL.”
Im nervous because I dont know anything about SQL since I was sudying the MERN stack here in FCC and do you know what kind of protocol excercises are usually asked in these interviews ?
SQL is used to build CRUD applications. That stands for "C"reate, "R"etrieve, "U"pdate, "D"elete.
freeCodeCamp’s curriculum specializes in noSQL databases based more in the ORM paradigm as they represent the majority of applications in the current market today (web wise).
Financial, accounting or otherwise database applications traditionally dominated by the CRUD paradigm rely heavily on SQL to manage their RDBMS functionality.
Through SQL you can "C"reate, "R"etrieve, "U"pdate, "D"elete by Insert, Select, Update and Delete respective SQL statements. Master those and that’s your 80/20 rule right there.
In my experience with interviews, questions about SQL have typically involved some sort of database design question. This is a fairly involved topic, which you should take the time to properly learn. These are a few free courses on Udemy that cover database design and SQL, but you should use additional resources to learn more about SQL and relational databases.
FCC’s curriculum covers MongoDB, which is just one of the common NoSQL databases, and doesn’t currently cover any of the other NoSQL databases that are commonly used in industry, so it’s not exactly correct to say that the curriculum specializes in NoSQL databases.
ORMs aren’t a paradigm for databases, and are a tool/technique for interacting with any database, whether SQL or NoSQL: Object–relational mapping - Wikipedia
Lastly, it’s somewhat misleading and inaccurate to say that NoSQL databases represent the majority of applications on the Web today. In my job search for over the past year, I’ve personally seen far more job postings that specifically mentioned some form of SQL (whether MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, or Oracle) than ones that mentioned one of the NoSQL databases. This website backs up the trend that I’ve noticed that SQL databases are currently way more popular than the closest NoSQL database: DB-Engines Ranking - popularity ranking of database management systems
An unrelated question and I’m not OP but is MySQL or MongoDB that easy to learn it in 1 day? I ask it because I’m confused and curious as well, is 1 day enough to learn everything you need?
It’s easy to learn the syntax of SQL or MongoDB in 1 day, but knowing just the syntax isn’t enough, especially for any kind of full-stack or back-end developer job. For SQL, you should know relational database design (entire books have been written on that subject), and schema design in MongoDB has its own challenges.
The Udemy courses I linked above are a good starting point for learning SQL and relational databases but are just that, only a starting point. If you’d rather learn MongoDB, start with their official M001 course here: MongoDB Courses and Trainings | MongoDB University
In my opinion SQL is one of those things that is easy to learn, hard to master. If you are applying for a front-end job, you shouldn’t worry too much about the SQL questions, even if you fail them, they will pay more attention to your js skills. If it is a backend position or data analyst position, the SQL part will be more important.
I am no specialist but to my understanding it doesn’t really matter for the request if it’s empty or not. These validations should be done before submitting with js and after submitting in the back-end code. So I think the answer to your question would be something like this:
GET /login?username=admin&password=×tamp=1511852100 HTTP/1.1
Host: domain
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:10.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/10.0.1
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Connection: keep-alive
My biggest concern however is sending sensitive data through a GET request. In my opinion that’s never a good idea. This is also discussed here:
Finally to quickly observe for yourself what an empty string looks like in a GET URL I wrote the below HTML code: