Hey, please check out my tribute page!


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First of all, Good Job! On the desktop, the design looks clean and neat. I have a few suggestions. You shrink the browser and view your page. The name is cut by half and even the picture looks messier. Use Bootstrap to make it look better and responsive. And also the color of the link to the wikipedia page can be made better. (It doesn’t seem to appear since it’s very light).
Hope this helps. Cheers! Happy coding! :slight_smile:

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Agree! It looks really nice. It seems you make some minor mistakes that’s why it’s not responsive.

For example your image has a class of “image-responsive”, it should be “img-responsive”. And your link at the bottom is not working, “<a herf=” should be “<a href=”.

You can also put your styles in the CSS section of codepen. Good luck!

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