Hi campers! Can I have your feedback on my page? :D

This my first challenge here at freecodecamp, a single-page tribute for Albert Einstein.
Your feedback is very much appreciated. Thank you very much… :smiley:
Here, take a look!
Project Link - http://codepen.io/luigieancheta/full/ozxRYy/


Its really very good,

I got no criticism for you, you’ve chosen a good font and colorscheme and the layout and responsivness all work well. Well done IMHO.

You took the extra effort to put good content in too which I think makes all the difference.

I really like it.

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Wow :smiley:
Thank you very much!
I’m very happy you like it. Thank you fellow camper!

That’s a very professional looking page!

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That is really a wonderful page. An inspiration for people like me who are yet to create tribute page!!

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Thank you so much you appreciate my work… I spent 3 hours for that and it really went good, from planning - sketching, choosing my font and colors - to layout - and coding… I must say it’s good to have a plan first and then stick to your plan and just do your best :slight_smile: just have passion and do not be discouraged.

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Great page! Appreciate the use of the sidebar for extra information.

I agree with you that planning is a very good step. When I started, I just winged a lot of it. Now I wireframe using Google Drawings, plan using Trello, and journal everything I can remember about my day in coding using Evernote.

Sidetrack aside, good work on the tribute!

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Thank you for your feedback… :smiley: yeah, coding right away and not minding what to code first will waste so much time… It’s better if we spend time to figure out what we will actually do before doing anything. And I think that’s how it really has to be for us developers.

You just made my Tribute page look like “Child’s play”!

Like Quincy, I sought out to use just Bootstrap (no custom CSS).

Nice work mate. Learnt from you - Plan.

Here’s my pen:

30 - 45mins. Did it today.

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Great page. You can really tell that you put some time into the preparation of this project. Everything flows beautifully.

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Beautiful my friend…:smiley:

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Very good! Everything is perfect, you really put an effort to make it great. Fonts are suitable and everything is just where it should be.

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Thank you mate! :slight_smile: No, your page looks good too! Every great thing must start from somewhere… Let’s just never stop learning and never quit.

Thank you very much fellow campers! :smiley: I’m very happy you like my work! I never thought all your feedback is good so far… I appreciate it. Thank you…

Fantastic work, and an amazing colour scheme and layout.

My only criticism (which isn’t even code related) would be that you wrote ‘E=mc2’. You could use superscript to write ‘E=mc²’ :slight_smile:

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Very top notch work here! I agree with everyone that the font looks like it was well picked out, the color scheme that you choose fits very well with the topic, and it’s responsive. The only thing that I saw was to maybe center the images when you break at mobile, but that is completely up to you!

Again, well done. :wink:

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Wow. Are you new at coding? That’s a professional looking page. Great work.

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@monotone2k haha, yeah I forgot about that. yes I’ll add it some other time. Thank you for your feedback.
@katmurry thank you very much for your suggestion! yes, I’ll think about it :smiley:
@vxm007 not really new. I’m already coding few years ago but I don’t have the dedication and focus back then, and now here I am, starting all over again. :grin:

I really enjoyed the page, very well done, the stetics of the page are great. Keep going you have a talent