Hi! I am new and looking for someone to pair up with!

Hi! my name is Cudi, I am 25 years old living in Panama.

(Currently focused on HTML, CSS and JavaScript). I would like to learn so much more in the future tho… and become a full stack developer.

(excuse me for my weird way of talking English, my native language is Spanish)

My father has given me the opportunity to learn to code for a living and I only have 1 year to accomplish this. As time is passing and it is a fact that I need to catch up on life, I am taking this very seriously and putting all my time into it.

Long story short I have been taking web development courses for the last few months for over 10 hours a day and I just discovered about freecodecamp and as I see there is a community here of people that love programming, I thought this is a good place to make this post.

I am looking for a friend to learn with as I am committed to complete all the courses given on this site to learn the most knowledge I can to become competent in the field.

I am very much alone in this as the people I know are interested in everything but coding so if you are looking for a partner to join you on this journey just let me know.

first post btw! nice to meet you all it is a pleasure to be here!


Hi! Welcome to the forum! Btw, it’s my second post too haha:) I stumbled upon this forum just today looking for a coding buddy. I’m Aashka and though I am Indian, I live in Oman. I too am a newbie to coding. I’m actually doing ‘C’ right now and will proceed to do either ‘Python’ or ‘JavaScript’ soon. Also, I’m currently doing CS50x and am just about to complete it. I’m super interested in coding and am committed to learning as much as possible. I’d love to pair up, share my resources and am hoping to become your coding buddy. For me, this will really boost my motivation and steepen my learning curve. I’m not on Instagram, or any social media other than ‘WhatsApp’ and ‘Discord’ currently. I have a space on Discord ready ( https://discord.gg/cB22mMzb ). Join me if you think I’m the right buddy:)

Hi Aashka! I would love to pair up! However, I tried the discord link and it didn’t let me join :frowning: feel free to add me on discord: iQCudi #8040

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Hey @Iqcudi!

Some of the devs have formed a group, if you want to join you can by clicking the link given below

Hi Cudi! Unfortunately I’m not able to send a request on iQCudi #8040 either. Could you try creating a channel? Or adding me as a friend on Aashka#8606 ?

Please ignore the previous reply Cudi! I got it; I’ve sent you a friend request! Turns out I was putting a space between your username and the code lol.

awesome! just accepted you!

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Hey Cudi! I’m so sorry I have not been able to get back to you. For some odd reason, I’ve not been able to login. I’ve created a new account; would you please accept the friend request?