Can i pass uploading the projects (repositories) to github as long as I have a quality portfolio + projects, or even if I have a good Curriculum, the fact that not having the projects uploaded to github will make it significantly difficult for me to get employed?
I just brutally hate Github and I think i will never understand how the thing works. So i´m just considering my options.
Edit: Probably I´ll end up learning it because I imagine is not pshysic quantics, but I mean now I´m developing an app and a side project, and I´m not uploading it to github. Will i be able to make a repositorie once the I finished the app and the project anyway?
I frequently encounter claims that recruiters look at applicant GitHub profiles, but I haven’t ever seen any actual data on on how often that happens.
I would be willing to bet large amount of money that they are not going to look at your FCC curriculum progress.
This is the most concerning part, imho:
It may not be using the GitHub platform, but a job will absolutely require you to use something like Git, SVN, Perforce, etc. It is very likely that they will ask you what your experience with these tools is.
You don’t need to upload stuff to a personal GitHub repo, but as said above, you definitely need to learn Git. The vast majority of developer jobs use it, whether on GitHub itself or another platform like GitLab or Bitbucket.
I would say its pretty important. It takes very little effort to see how active someone is on github, so I’d assume any serious recruiters would at least look.
I would also say the amount of work with learning git and using github is minimal when compared to more complex development and development related tasks, so saying “github is too complicated, I’m not going to learn it” is a red flag with how you approach learning and problems in general.
FCC progress means almost nothing to basically everyone, most people don’t even know what FreeCodeCamp is, the quality of the content, or anything. Github is much more well known, and even recruiters should know what it is, and how to look it up.
Bottom line, upload what you have sooner, rather than later, its not really an option in the same way having a computer/internet connection is not an option if your serious about developing.
Having a github profile, filled with your work can only help you in your marketability when getting a job, and teach you very useful skills that will be applied in most work situations.
It’s important. I’ve had a couple directly ask me questions from my github’s codebase, others have asked me to create a new project and upload it there, complete with commit history and directions on how to setup the development environment of the code. Take some time to learn it.
The vast majority of developers don’t use Github. The vast majority of developers don’t have a public portfolio. The vast majority of developers don’t use Git for version control. But that’s ok for them, because they already have a job as a developer.
Let’s make one thing clear. You are not required to use Github.
However, if you are just starting out, having a publicly available portfolio to show your work is a huge advantage in getting that first job. If you don’t like Github, use something else. A basic search will offer a plethora of providers you can choose from (Github, GitLab, Cloudforge, BitBucket, etc)
If you find Github complex or difficult to learn, you should read up on version control systems in general, to make sure you understand what version control is and why it is important.
If you are working on a project of your own and are not using a version control system of some kind, you are making a huge mistake. You are also breaking one of the only rules of software development that I consider immutable and unimpeachable - always use a version control system. There is literally no reason to not use one (assuming you already have access to the internet).
If you still brutally hate Github and don’t understand how the thing works after making an honest attempt to understand Git and Version Control systems in general, you will be at a huge disadvantage when compared to your competition for jobs.
@bradtaniguchi said it really well. If you really think Git is difficult, that is a huge red flag.