This is my first time using this forum, so I’m not sure if this is the right place for this topic, so please let me know if I should put this post elsewhere.
I’ve just started the first project in the responsive web design class, and I’m having trouble adding a picture to the tribute page. I did google around and found several threads about this, but I didn’t find an answer to fix my problem.
I did try linking directly where I found the image, then I tried using imgur, and finally google drive.
Imgur is funky when it comes to using images on your website. The URL is just not directing to the image properly. A good way to test if your image URL is in the proper format is to open the URL in a separate tab. If there is anything on the page other than the actual image, then it is not the correct URL.
Try this value for your src attribute "//". I found this by clicking on the three dots in Imgur and clicking on “Embed”. Then I pasted the embed code (which is a blockquote for some reason). The image displayed, so I looked in the Chrome dev tools to see what src value the image was displaying with. Then I pasted that in for the src using an img tag. Seems like it should be easier, but anyway, I hope that helps.
@jarronshaun, you do not want to use imgur to host images. If you read their terms of service you’ll see that they don’t allow it.
You can search and find quite a few places that will host your image for free.