How to get random quotes using json

Can someone please explain how the function getQuotes is operating?

I have finished the task and completed all requirements as I made my own array with quotes that I know. However, I want to be able to understand how they are using this getQuotes function through API to get proper random quotes and not just the ones I feel like writing down. This way I could do it more efficiently in the future.

here is the code they use to get random quotes.

function getQuotes() { return $.ajax({ headers: { Accept: 'application/json' }, url: '', success: function (jsonQuotes) { if (typeof jsonQuotes === 'string') { quotesData = JSON.parse(jsonQuotes); console.log('quotesData'); console.log(quotesData); } } }); }

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Challenge: Build a Random Quote Machine

Link to the challenge:

function getQuotes() {
  return $.ajax({
    headers: { Accept: "application/json" },
    success: function (jsonQuotes) {
      if (typeof jsonQuotes === "string") {
        quotesData = JSON.parse(jsonQuotes);

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the Data Visualization cert has a section on how to use APIs, then there is the API and microservices cert for more

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