You should only really need one HTML file for the tribute page - do you have more than one html file, and are you sure that was necessary?
If you want to host multiple pages on CodePen you have two options: create multiple pens and link to them to each other, or use CodePen Projects. You get one project for free on CodePen before having to upgrade to a paid plan for more.
If you have developed these locally first, the structure is a little different - since the HTML panel on CodePen only contains the body portion of your file. You can click the little cog to add stuff for the head portion. Javascript and CSS dependencies can be added in their little cog panels too.
Also, you don’t have to use CodePen at all. If you already have the projects completed, you could look at hosting them via GitHub pages.
You can create one login for codepen, and create unlimited pens. Once logged in, there is a create section on the left hand nav bar. Select ‘pen’ and you’ll have a new pen ready to start using.