I have already completed the Responsive Web Design Certification module (or whatever it is called on fcc) but when I go back I see some of the courses and challenges as incomplete or half-done.
They appear like this most of the time, this is from Javascripts Algorithms and Data Structures where 24 and 25 have gone missing
This happens when there have been updates to individual steps in the course. It does not affect your certification. If, like me, you are triggered by seeing those ‘gaps’ in your course however, you can always go back and complete those steps again to restore your 100% course completion.
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Thanks for the reply, so do these updates can affect those certifications which you have already completed or not ? Like I have done the HTML/CSS courses and got certified. It will not gonna expire or something like that ?
No. Any certifications which you have completed will not be affected. You have earned the certification, regardless of any future updates to individual parts of that course.