I feel like I am not getting it

I had a pretty easy time with the Responsive certification, but now that I am knee-deep in Javascript I feel like I’m just not getting it. I can solve some of the challenges on my own, but I have to look at the solution more often than I would like to admit. :roll_eyes: Should I back off and try a different learning approach, or just keep pushing through? I feel almost like I’m “cheating” when I have to look at the solution, but I’m hoping that maybe everything will eventually click if I just keep plugging away at it?


Dear Christen, I know what you are feeling but hang in there, it will click and all of a sudeen you will be right ther. Hang in there, don’t quit, keep studying its worth it I promise you.

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Welcome to the communtiy @christenanderson

I think everybody finds Javascript a big change, and much more challenging, from Responsive Web Design.

The truth is that you can still post your code and question in the forum. There is a Javascript subforum or even in General.

People are always ready to help, just like in RWD.

Think how great it is when you find those codes you do get right away. And, think about how good it feels when you can solve them, or get help to find the solution.

If it gets frustrating, walk away from it for a bit.

Keep up with the good progress.


Bro i feel the same way i had to keep looking for the solutions. We got this, Don’t give up.


I felt the same back in the day when learning JS. Most of the times I was looking at the solutions.
Just carry on, eventually it will make sense. I know is very frustrating that is not making sense right now, but with programming, you just learn by programming. I learned that in a hard way. A lot of times I got stuck in something because I wanted to understand it right then and righ there, and that does not always work.
Now I work as web developer and a lot of times I feel the same. I look for solutions, just this time is in places like Stackoverflow, so in a way, is the same.



Don’t feel like a cheater when you are looking up solutions. In fact you are doing developer’s work, because researching solutions for a current problem is a big part of our daily work. Even for devs with a master degree and a decade experience.

One way you can benefit is by trying to understand what is happening in the code you find in those solutions. Again by research or asking an AI.

The only sure measurement in programming is the WTFs/min like a student recently told me who quoted his 30+ years programmer mentor.

Hang in there, this is a difficult job, but rewarding and worth the struggle.


Its ok to feel like this.
Just keep pushing through it!
You’ll get there if you keep trying hard :medal_sports:.
I am finding java script hard even with some experience dealing with python.
I think that lots of us feel like this at one point or the other and if you just keep going you’ll get eventually get there :smile:!


Thanks! This actually made me feel a lot better

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I’m the same way bro! This post helped, because I was wondering if I was the only one. I pretty much flew through the Responsive Web Design course, but I’m struggling a good bit with the JavaScript one. We’ll just keep pushing through bro!!


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