I have seen so many people sending in their projects on the forum after just doing the first certificate. I just don’t understand how they can make such advanced projects so easy. I don’t even remember 90% of what I was taught. I am about ready to say no more. Their getting jobs with just html and css how I dont get it. My projects are terrible. I just dont know what to do anymore,.
Hey you aren’t a failure. Sometimes things can be really hard to learn on your own.
Putting that aside, you’ve made a prior threads already. People there have given you really good advice.
For example:
Advice on not comparing yourself to others.
Not to be too harsh, but I recommend taking their advice to heart. Remember you aren’t a failure. But you have to believe that. We can’t just wave a magic wand and make you instantly competent. But what we can do is tell you how to improve if you study concepts and build practice projects. Also not repeating curriculum lessons and building things yourself might help too.
ok ill stop repeating the lessons. Ill try to just finish the cerificates and look up and do some projects instead. Im just not remembering any css after the first cerificate. Could you give me some advice on getting started with projects. Maybe where to go like oden project is that good or front end mentor again or codepen.io. I have a problem just starting a project i dont know much vs code i dont know how to use github either im a complete noob still
Advice I found on doing projects with the level you’re at…I’m there too. I’m just about to do the form project. Kinda dreading it.
But I’ve done a few simple landing pages and am also playing with very basic python. The advice I got is to use AI as sort of a coach. I don’t mean ask it to code for you.
What I do is use VS Code and I added the Codium extension. Both are free. It’s basically a LLM in VS Code. When I forget a css element. I ask Codium for an example. When I’m trying to figure out a section of code like a div for something, I ask Codium to give me an example. Forget syntax? Ask it to remind you. Confused? Tell it what you’re confused about.
There’s a danger of course of relying on AI to do the work for you. You have to be responsible with such a tool. But I’ve found I get a lot more practice and learning done by just asking for a reminder and continuing to work than to stop, find an old lesson, search google, all that. This way my poor short term memory isn’t a block to my progress.
I wish you the best and don’t give up!
Nice one! I’d like to suggest one more advice to the OP:
Google it when you don’t remember something (a syntax, for example). Nobody is a computer (we already know that some people have more facilities than others doing x or y things, but that’s okay!!!).
You are not less intelligent because John or Ben or Emma understand something “better” or they are advanced in their studies’ path than you. You are you. Each mind works with its particularities. Some people has an approach and a view to take logic lessons easier than others, for example.
Try to read about logic thinking. And take a break if you are feeling overwhelmed. That’s super okay to take a break: our minds need to relax in order to receive a boost of energy or “insights” after a while.
I wish you the best!
Sorry if I made any mistakes in my writing, because I’m not fluent in English.