Haivng major struggles with javascript

If you are stuck on something, that means you’re learning. Major struggles == major learning.

Don’t compare yourself to others on 100days who are “flying through everything”. You don’t know what their day is like, what their support is, background and prior knowledge. Maybe they are wasting their time repeating things they already know, maybe they are some kind of fake bot, or they can spend more time on it than you have.

Embrace being stuck and feeling dumb and slow, learn to love that feeling. That’s where the learning is. You will figure it out, or you can always ask for help. Once you know how to solve it, then you’ll know, and you can build on that.

You will always get stuck, you will always struggle. The harder it is the more rewarding the feeling will be when you finally solve something and move on.

JS is very different than HTML/CSS so you might need to adjust your approach or expectations. There is a lot more logical puzzles.