I spent almost all morning learning to install react with boostrap in Visual Studio Code, installing git and making it work with github in VSC, and installing useful extensions on VSC (mostly by reading official documentation and watching youtube.)
My doubts are about if its common to use let say: React+Redux+Boostrap in small projects like the “Random quote generator” or its better to use just the mininum neccesary needed to make the project work(also is FCC JS certificate missing challenges on how to integrate JS with html or did i miss something, im pretty sure i never learn how to show results or interact with events,etc.)
Im thinking about using as many as possible in order to practice and learn more about all them which could be useful for a future and more complex project/job.
I know what each of them do and when they may become handy for a task, but i wanna know what you guys think on this kind of subject from an experienced dev standpoint: should i use most of them in order to get practice/learn or make the projects as simple as possible?
Also, anyone have any good reading or watching material on how to sketch or design a project (maybe react oriented, like files and folders order/structure), in order learn where and how to start coding it, im kinda overwhelmed right now when i compare it to the simple “first html then css” from the responsive web projects.